Point LaVista

Point LaVista would have been considered rural during the early 20th century. In the midst of the Florida land boom and fresh off a highly successful launch, the South Jacksonville Municipal Railway was extended to Point LaVista in 1925. Like the Hendricks Avenue segment, this stretch of the car line utilized a portion of right-of-way associated with the defunct Jacksonville & St. Augustine Public Service Company’s failed interurban railway project. Several smaller developments such as Granada and Kelnepa were immediately launched. Unfortunately, as these projects were getting started, the days of the Florida land boom were coming to an end. When growth returned, Jacksonville’s entire streetcar system had been replaced by buses. However, if you search hard, you’ll discover residential structures remaining from South Jacksonville’s streetcar era.

Article by Ennis Davis, AICP. Streetcar line development timeline by Robert Mann. Contact Ennis at edavis@moderncities.com