The First Baptist Church in 1905 (above) and 2016 (center) from the southwest corner of Hogan and Church Streets. Now blocked by the JTA Skyway, another view (below) captures the church in 2016 from the intersection’s southeast corner.
Hemming Park and the Windor Hotel in 1903 (above) and 2016 (below), looking west from the intersection of Monroe and Laura Streets. The Windsor Hotel was demolished in 1950 for a parking lot. Today, the hotel site is occupied by the Bryan Simpson Federal Courthouse.
The intersection of Bay and Main Streets during the years following the Great Fire of 1901 (above). Many of these buildings were demolished for the construction of the Wells Fargo Center (below).
Forsyth and Laura Street a few years after the Great Fire of 1901 (above). The Merchantile Exchange Bank eventually was expanded and is now known as the Laura Tro’s “Marble Bank” building (below).
Article by Ennis Davis, AICP. Contact Ennis at