838 A. Philip Randolph Boulevard was completed in 1946 and initially occupied by Williams Fruit Stand.
This retail building at 839 - 849 A. Philip Randolph Boulevard was completed in 1946. Initial tenants included South Dry Goods, The Parisian Cleaners, and Myers Bake Shop. Other businesses over the years include a branch location of the Standard Feed Company, McNeil Drug Company and Duck’s Bar-B-Cue Ribs.Owned by Alonzo Davis, Jr., Duck’s was a popular restaurant with additional locations in American Beach and LaVilla. This space was most recently occupied by Natalie’s Nook & Candy Shop. Due to Covid, the business is closed until further notice.
The former Marion Graham Mortuary includes buildings at 900 - 920 A. Philip Randolph Boulevard that date back to 1936. In 1950, businesses in this space included the ABC Super Market, Blue Ridge Inn Restaurant and Flamingo’s Five Cent to One Dollar Store.
The Eastside Brotherhood Building at 917 A. Philip Randolph Boulevard is one of two buildings on The Avenue that is considered a designated local historic landmark by the City of Jacksonville. Completed in 1924, the building was once the Ladies Union Industrial League Hall. During the height of segregation, the building was known for having a second floor dance hall and a tavern by the names of DelMonico’s and William Telfair over the years.
The former Anderson Department Store at 965 A. Philip Randolph Boulevard is the second locally designated historic site on the corridor. Dating back to 1909, it was a department store operated by Richard Anderson. Charlotte Scott Anderson Lewis, Richard’s mother, was a major Eastside landowner who was married to the father of A.L. Lewis, the long time president of the Afro-American Life Insurance Company. Richard’s brother, Charles Anderson, owned and operated one of the first Black-owned banks in Jacksonville in LaVilla. Living above, Anderson operated this store from 1909 until his death in 1960.
1002 A. Philip Randolph Boulevard was completed in 1932 and was the long time home of a market operated by Charles Joseph.
A. Philip Randolph Heritage Park is a five acre public park situated at the southwest corner of A. Philip Randolph Boulevard and East First Street. An example of urban renewal, the park is located on a site that was once to commercial epicenter of A. Philip Randolph Boulevard and the Lower Eastside community.
Businesses formerly located on this park site include the Pix Theater, Gem Billiards, Singleton’s Superior Bar-B-Q, Salim J Debs Grocery, Lewis & Ruffin Fish Company, Evening in Paris Lunch Room and Henry’s Tavern.
Article by Ennis Davis, AICP. Contact Ennis at edavis@moderncities.com