Is such a change appropriate for Edgewood?

Scenes from the area along Edgewood located northwest of Murray Hill Theatre depict various parcels of underutilized property that are ripe for redevelopment opportunities.

Locally, one can see that places like King Street and San Marco Square have realized unquestionable benefits from recent context-sensitive street enhancements. Both Edgewood Ave and King Street share similar physical similarities. The commercial district along King Street from Herschel to Roselle measures approximately 0.75 miles (3,800 feet), while the commercial district along Edgewood stretches roughly a little over a mile (5,700 feet) between Roosevelt Blvd and I-10. One notable difference is the abundance of contiguous storefront space is greater along Edgewood than the supply of available building stock along King St- indicating that there is an even greater opportunity to redevelop areas in Murray Hill to a higher and greater use.

Traffic studies have consistently shown that context-sensitive street redesigns will not worsen traffic congestion under the appropriate conditions. Statistically speaking, streets with less than 20,000 daily vehicle trips represent a threshold under which a street redesign is suitable. According to the City of Jacksonville’s 2016 Road Link Status Report, used to measure traffic capacity and roadway congestion, Edgewood Avenue has been determined to possess a large amount of excess traffic capacity.

Between Cassat Avenue and Post Street, Edgewood has a maximum daily capacity of 31,121 vehicles but only 7,344 daily vehicle trips meaning only 23.6% of the available traffic capacity is presently used day in and day out. Between Post St and Roosevelt Blvd, of the 24,336 maximum daily vehicle capacity available, only 10,080 vehicle trips are generated. Even along the busiest stretch of Edgewood, less than half of the available traffic capacity is used. Based on these numbers, Edgewood Avenue is statistically suitable for a roadway redesign.

Not only would a redesign of Edgewood Avenue be possible, it would be practical given its large amount of excess traffic capacity. Given the economic benefits realized in peer communities from context sensitive street redesigns coupled with Edgewood’s demographic advantages, it would seem that investing in such an infrastructure project could pay for itself in the form of new business tax generation, an increase in sales tax revenue and property tax increases due to the appreciation in value of the surrounding area.