DDRB Application 2024-003 seeks Conceptual Review for the Lofts at Southbank, located at the southwest corner of Hendricks Avenue and Prudential Drive. The site abuts office and retail development. Offices and restaurants are located across Hendricks Avenue from the subject site, and hotels are located across Prudential Drive. The intersection of Prudential Drive and Hendricks Avenue is a major commercial node as it establishes a change in character from midrise office and commercial uses to high-rise, hospitality-driven uses that address, or cater to, the Southbank Riverwalk, which is less than 1,000 feet from the subject site.

The subject site consists of four (4) parcels within the Southbank District of the Downtown Zoning Overlay. The proposed design is for a 10-story mixed-use building with ground floor retail, office, restaurant, or other commercial programming; personal property self-storage uses on floors three (3) through six (6); and multi-family residential units on floors seven (7) through 10.

Source: Downtown Development Review Board July 11, 2024 Meeting Agenda Packet

Previous Concept

Citing concerns over the project’s aesthetics, the DDRB deferred conceptual approval of the previous concept to allow the developer to return with a new design. The new design seeking conceptual approval is shown in the presentation below.

Current Concept